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The PIF (border inspection post) and PEC (EEC port of entry) control points near the Naye ferry terminal


The PIF (border inspection post) and PEC (EEC port of entry) control points near the Naye ferry terminal

With Brexit, formalities will be necessary in the port of Saint-Malo. The same goes for veterinary and phytosanitary inspections.

The PIF and PEC control points are located near the Naye ferry terminal, between the Vauban basin and the Bouvet basin, a few hundred meters from the Naye ferry terminal.

On a first area, different equipment are positioned: offices, changing rooms, sanitary facilities, inspection and reception room, holding cages for animals, boxes for horses, unloading area for zoo animals, etc.

A second zone, was built under shelter with inside, refrigerated containers, neutral chambers, inspection area and plant laboratory (PEC).

An unloading platform was installed to link the truck height to the ground level.

Agreements have been concluded with remote sites for possible consignments or quarantine of animals: kennels, stables, zoo, veterinary clinics.  

PEC – EEC port of entry

PEC – EEC port of entry

The port of Saint-Malo is approved “PEC”, Community Entry Point, for the phytosanitary import control of plants and plant products.

The PEC is located on the land called «Salins du Midi», between Vauban basin and Bouvet basin, a few hundred meters from the Naye Ferry Terminal. Adequate signage is provided from the ferry terminal.


  • 1 cold room (T > 0°C) of container type 20'
  • 1 neutral 20' container type set room
  • 1 modular room integrating the 3 functions Laboratory, inspection room and disinfection area

Designated port of entry

Designated port of entry

The port of Saint-Malo is approved as a Designated Port of Entry for the import control of animal feed of non-animal origin.

Border inspection post

Border inspection post

The Border Inspection Post (PIF) is responsible for controlling imports of foodstuffs of animal origin from countries outside the European Union.

The port of Saint-Malo is equipped with a Border Inspection Post whose six approvals concern the following products:

  • HC-T = All Human Consumer Products under Controlled Temperature (+ or - )
  • HC-NT = All products for human consumption without temperature conditions
  • NHC = Other Products
  • E = Registered equines as defined in Directive 90/426/EEC
  • U = Unregistered solipeds
  • Y = Other animals (including zoo animals)

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